Secured Loans

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A secured home loan only applies to homeowners. Homeowners are able to borrow money against the equity in their home.

We are not a lender but a broker. We can help you arrange a loan through a specialist secured loan broker who deals direct with a lender.

Fees will be charged and will vary. Typically these will be £2500 .

We will confirm these fees at the outset and before you proceed with the loan.

Fees are not paid upfront but when your loan completes. They may be added to your loan and deducted on completion.

If you are looking to consolidate your credit or to do some much needed home improvements then we may just be able to help and one of our friendly advisors will be able to take you through the whole process ensuring you receive the secured loan which is right for you!

We won't promise you rates or products you can't have and we’ll advise you on the sort of secured loan you need and give you all the necessary information.  We will compare the cost of a secured loan against having a new mortgage and advise you accordingly. 

To obtain more information about a secured home loan today, simply fill in our contact form or call one of our advisers on the phone number above.

Warning: Your Home may be repossessed if you fail to keep up payments on a Mortgage or any Loan secured upon it.

Secured and unsecured loans are Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority .


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